
Showing posts from March, 2023

Management of layers

Management of  layers: M anagement of layers is a crucial aspect of poultry farming that involves ensuring the health, productivity, and welfare of laying hens. Here is a detailed write-up on the key aspects of managing layers:   Housing: Providing appropriate housing is essential for the welfare of laying hens. The housing should be clean, dry, and well-ventilated, with enough space for the hens to move around freely. The housing should also provide nesting boxes for the hens to lay eggs, and perches for roosting.   Nutrition: Proper nutrition is essential for the health and productivity of laying hens. The hens should be fed a well-balanced diet that meets their nutritional requirements, including adequate protein, vitamins, and minerals. The feed should be provided in appropriate amounts and on a regular schedule. The water supply should also be clean and accessible at all times.   Lighting: Appropriate lighting is essential for the regulation of the hens' reproductive cycles

Management of day-old chicks

  Management of day-old chicks. From arrival to weaning is critical for their growth, health, and productivity. Here is a detailed write-up on the various steps involved in managing day-old chicks:   Arrival:  When the day-old chicks arrive at the farm, it's essential to provide them with clean, warm, and dry brooder housing. The temperature of the brooder should be between 90-95°F for the first week. Adequate ventilation should be provided while avoiding drafts.   Feeding: Day-old chicks require access to water and feed immediately upon arrival. A good quality starter feed with the appropriate protein level (typically 20-22%) should be provided. The chicks should be encouraged to eat by placing the feed near the water source.   Watering: Clean water should be available at all times. Chick waterers should be cleaned and sanitized regularly, and the water source should be free from contaminants.   Lighting: Provide 24-hour light for the first day, then gradually r

Diamond MVS Chick Start.
